
Off to Hastings we go!

We leave in about an hour for a christian conference in Hastings. should be fun. Its supposedly warmer in hastings. I hope so. Its been freezing cold again here in Marton.



This one's for mom, with love...

There is a verse in mathew which says, a prophet is not without honor except in his own town. So, I finally realized that, like the verse, the mark of a true servant is when they faithfully serve at home. Because at home a person doesn't get the praise of men. Thats somethig that i missed for most of my life. Sorry mom, I know you tried to tell me.

one other thing is that I didn't realize until now that people who didn't have blogger couldn't comment. But I changed that now. ANYONE can now comment on my posts. yay!

A cool thing that happened yesterday: we were fasting and praying yesterday, and one of the things we prayed for was money to pay all of arahina's bills, and when we got the mail, we got a check enough to pay all the bills!

God is Good.




Well, holiday is over, but it was a good time. it started with a tramp up to a hut, we had a good time. then the next day me, nathan and ben pratt went to rotorua and stayed at a guys house for a couple days, that was fun. then we went to the camp, the kids were all really fun, we had worship times and we were all dancing and singing and the little boys always wanted to get up on someone's shoulders. then we went back and started the next term. its been going well, the weather is finally warming up. we went to the beach, and the water was really clear, but the sun was behind the clouds most of the time, so you can't quite see how blue the water is.


And then God does the Completely Unexpected...

So i'm in Rotorua and on thursday night we last minute decided to go to a concert (rapture ruckus, julia grace, and parachute band) me, nathan, ben, and a bunch of guys from roto. the concert was about an hour away in tauranga. we show up, and we find the other guys sitting in their seats. so, we're talking with them, and then all of a sudden there is this scream, and christina from the airport was there with the whole YWAM crew. evidently the YWAM people are working like 20 from the church where the concert was, i am like 4-5 hours away in marton, and we end up at the same concert. wild. 

i had never heard of either of the bands, but i decided i was going to go have as much fun as possible. so we ran down when rapture ruckus came out and moshed as best we could. i reckon it wasn't a very hearty mosh pit, but we had a blast, i was jumping for like 2 hours and got blisters on my toes. me, ben, and one big canadian YWAM guy had the best time smashing around. when parachute band came out it was more worship music, so we were jumping and lifting up hands, and then dancing, it was a blast. i was SOOOOOO sweaty afterwards, it was nasty. 

we are going to the camp today, and the kids will get there on sunday i think. they will be from the ages of 8-12. should be fun, the rest of the pratt family is on their way. after the camp, we will be starting the next term at arahina, and its back into the routine. 

